Mobile App & Website
Dubl’up, a popular lifestyle app launched in Goa offers users “Buy One Get One” free offers across various categories such as restaurants, salons, spas, hotels, gyms and much more. It helps users dine out, avail of hotel stays and leisure activities in a smarter, simpler way by providing double the value at the cost of a once-a-year fee.
- Responsibilities
- Interaction | Visual design | Web development
- Role
- UX-UI Designer & Front End Developer
- Type
- Company (LetsApp)
- Year
- April 2017
Initial set of goals:
- Understanding current state of the Indian lifestyle market
- Conduct competitive analysis to understand with websites having similar concept
- Understanding the business strategy, core goals and client requirements
- To build incentives amongst the sea of offer listing websites/apps, many of which are free
- To help them retain their long-term loyalty
I started out the project by conducting an initial user research to find out how the target users currently find and avail offers at restaurants, hotels and spa and the difficulties they experience using their current preferred method. I conducted a few user interviews to achieve this.
Based on this I was able to list the way people search for offers or come across one currently in Goa and across India.
- Facebook Page
- Whatsapp Share
- Random offers in radio
- If someone is talking about a new restaurant/offer in their workplace or school
- Google searches & other
The next step included creation of personas based upon (initial) research representing the different user types. This helped understand…
This phase included exploring different design approaches and come to the best solution. This helped everyone give their ideas, explore options, focus on the core interactions and gradually expand to cover everything that was needed.
I’ll include a few of them below to give you a sense of what the exercise entailed:
Visual Design
The wireframes helped provide a solid foundation for the core structure and flow. After further discussion with the team and clients approval, the final visual designs were realized which incorporated the brand guidelines and elements.
A few essential UI designs are listed below —
Dubl'up App screens
Authentication Flow
Offer Redemption Flow
Dubl'up Website screens
Dubl'up App showcase video
Wrapping Up
The visual designs were well received by the users, client, project lead and developers involved in the project. Looking back, this was really fun to work on a lifestyle app, where even I use the app today. The visual designs were then passed on to the developing team and we worked together to make sure the final result was faithful to what we had in mind originally. Dubl’up is doing well in the state of Goa, soon to launch in other cities and states in the next two quarters.